Coming Soon: Encodya
In 2062, in the underbelly of the megalopolis known as Neo Berlin lives a girl and her robot. Forgotten by most of society, this unlikely pair will be sent on a journey to finish her father’s mission of saving the world from grayness. You, the player, will take control of the girl, Tina, and her robot friend, SAM-53, to conquer an adventure filled with twists and turns, and even different realities.
ENCODYA, developed by Chaosmonger Studios, is set to be released January 26, 2020 on Steam and GOG. It promises:
Entirely Original Soundtrack and Audio: Not only will players enjoy a unique, custom soundtrack, but everything from the character dialog to the advertising jingles are self-produced audio tracks, not simply sound bites from an audio-library
A Robust Script: To really bring the world of Encodya to life, more than 4,000 lines of dialog provide an engaging and immersive cinematic experience
This Puzzle Was Different Last Time...: Puzzle randomization adds replay value and a fresh challenge for players looking to enjoy multiple trips to Neo-Berlin
A Full Cast of Characters: With 34 distinct NPCs, the dystopian world of Neo-Berlin is brought to life by a whole host of fully-realized individuals
If you know anything about me, most of these bullet points feed the need to take the game for a spin. If this game can deliver on these points, I believe we’re going to have one hell of a fun ride.