Call of the Sea

You are going in search of an expedition that was led by your husband to this faraway island. He went to try to solve the mystery of an illness that seems to be slowly killing you. There were correspondences between you and the husband, but now they have stopped, and you now fear what may have happened to the entire team. The only way to get the closure you need is to go to the island, yourself, and so begin your journey into Call of the Sea.

You will want to search for everything that comes into your path, and the journal mechanic helps hint if you are missing something to help get past the next obstacle. How do they do that? Well if you look at the journal pages if there seems to be a clean section of a page, more than likely you still need to find something. It is possible to solve some of the puzzles, but there are some that you will not be able to interact with until you have at least a certain amount of information in your journal.

There's a good pace to the game, there’s that sense of urgency, but there isn’t a countdown clock pushing the issue. The overall look of the game looks amazing. The different locales look polished and have their own look and feel to them. There’s also voice acting present in the game and even though it’s not constant, and most of it is “train of thought” from the main character, it was very well scripted. I felt on the same wavelength as her, and it also helped to hint at something that I might have skimmed over or maybe discounted in a certain area. 

Here’s the deal, I think it’s obvious at this point, but this was a game I enjoyed from start to finish, and if the developer can produce more of the same with their future releases, count me in. The game does also get some bonus points for adding some Cthulhu flavoring to the pot.


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